Whalley Church of England Primary School has been a centre of excellence as a provider of education, within the community, for over 150 years. A rich heritage summarised in the school's Mission and Vision Statements to which Governors and Staff are fully committed.
'At Whalley Church of England Primary School, we aim to develop and educate each child to their full potential within a loving and caring Christian environment'
We ‘Start children off on the way they should go … ’
through inspiring everyone to:
LOVE Jesus and each other
APPRECIATE themselves and the gifts they have been given
ACHIEVE their full potential ...
‘so even when they are older they will not turn from it’ - Proverbs 22:6
We are a church school committed to excellence. Working in partnership with parents, we provide a happy, stimulating environment rooted in Christian values. We see ourselves as a ‘Learning community with Christ at our centre.” All are cared for and nurtured spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally … a school with high expectations for all and where all are valued as individuals. Being a Christian school drives every aspect of our school vision and has a major impact on relationships and the experience of all within the school community.
The Ethos of the school is built on Christian Foundations and as a Church School, we endeavour to instil respect for religious and moral values, religions and ways of life.
We aim to create a caring community and environment, setting out to meet the needs of the children, and to encourage them to care for others, through understanding and respect, by creating a sound atmosphere in which the children feel happy and secure, and establishing links with parents and the wider community.
We encourage and highlight the key values of generosity, courage, compassion, truthfulness, perseverance, trust, friendship, justice, thankfulness, respect, forgiveness and service – focusing upon one each half term. We encourage the children to adopt values which will leave the world a better place because of what they themselves will be able to contribute.
Children are expected to do their best at all times and to take pride in the work which they produce. Good manners and good behaviour are encouraged at the school, and the children are taught to care for the school. This is encourages through ‘The Whalley Way’.
The school aims to work towards all children experiencing a measure of real success and progress in areas of activity and learning. We provide a wide range of experiences in order to stimulate the children's interest and imagination and fully extend the pupils in all abilities.
Whalley Church of England Primary School has been a centre of excellence as a provider of education, within the community, for over 150 years. A rich heritage summarised in the school's Mission and Vision Statements to which Governors and Staff are fully committed.
'At Whalley Church of England Primary School, we aim to develop and educate each child to their full potential within a loving and caring Christian environment'
We ‘Start children off on the way they should go … ’
through inspiring everyone to:
LOVE Jesus and each other
APPRECIATE themselves and the gifts they have been given
ACHIEVE their full potential ...
‘so even when they are older they will not turn from it’ - Proverbs 22:6
We are a church school committed to excellence. Working in partnership with parents, we provide a happy, stimulating environment rooted in Christian values. We see ourselves as a ‘Learning community with Christ at our centre.” All are cared for and nurtured spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally … a school with high expectations for all and where all are valued as individuals. Being a Christian school drives every aspect of our school vision and has a major impact on relationships and the experience of all within the school community.
The Ethos of the school is built on Christian Foundations and as a Church School, we endeavour to instil respect for religious and moral values, religions and ways of life.
We aim to create a caring community and environment, setting out to meet the needs of the children, and to encourage them to care for others, through understanding and respect, by creating a sound atmosphere in which the children feel happy and secure, and establishing links with parents and the wider community.
We encourage and highlight the key values of generosity, courage, compassion, truthfulness, perseverance, trust, friendship, justice, thankfulness, respect, forgiveness and service – focusing upon one each half term. We encourage the children to adopt values which will leave the world a better place because of what they themselves will be able to contribute.
Children are expected to do their best at all times and to take pride in the work which they produce. Good manners and good behaviour are encouraged at the school, and the children are taught to care for the school. This is encourages through ‘The Whalley Way’.
The school aims to work towards all children experiencing a measure of real success and progress in areas of activity and learning. We provide a wide range of experiences in order to stimulate the children's interest and imagination and fully extend the pupils in all abilities.