We believe that educating our children about being safe on-line is very important. As part of our Computing curriculum all children from Foundation Stage to Year Six follow our Online Safety Scheme of Work focusing on identifying some of the risks about being on-line and how to keep themselves safe.
Online Safety policies and procedures
The school has an online safety policy which is agreed by staff, governors and in consultation with parents and children. This policy can be accessed here:
Online Safety Policy
Parents of pupils in KS1 are asked to sign Responsible Internet Use permission slips on behalf of their children to use the internet and have work published on the school website. Parents of KS2 children are also asked to sign the Responsible Internet Use permission slip
Websites for children
Children in Key Stage One will become familiar with the websites Lee and Kim's Adventure and Hector's World, which are both created by CEOP. To access these sites follow the below link:
Children in Year Three we will revisit the named websites from Key Stage One and use CBBC's Dongle the Rabbit. For children in Years Four to Six their e-safety is based upon CEOPs Cybercafe website which can be accessed using the following link:
Websites for parents
There are many other websites that you can explore with your child and also sites that have information and guidance for parents to keep children safe on-line at home. Below are a selection of some of these:
Think you know's website for parents and carers:
Vodaphone had begun a Digital Parenting Interactive Magazine which can be viewed using the following link:
Childnet have a website with separate sections for children and parents:
For children CBBC have created a site called CBBC Stay Safe which can be accessed with the following link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/topics/stay-safe
EE have created a very informative website for parents supporting their children with e-safety.
Nintendo have created information for parents to help keep children safe while playing computer games online:
Further information for parents.
We believe it is important to keep parents updated and informed with guidance to support their children online. We hope parents find the below links useful.