In September 2024 - we offered 45 places.
The breakdown of places against the four criteria outlined in the Admissions Policy:
In September 2023 - we offered 45 places.
The breakdown of places against the four criteria outlined in the Admissions Policy:
In September 2022 - we offered 45 places.
The breakdown of places against the four criteria outlined in the Admissions Policy:
In September 2021 - we offered 45 places
The breakdown of places:
Determined Admissions Policy 2025
Catchment map - outskirts of Billington / Whalley
If you would like to apply for a Reception place, all applications are submitted online to Lancashire using the link below. You will be asked to choose three schools in order of preference. Under the equal preference system, if a place is not available at your first choice school, your second choice will be treated as a first choice.
Once applications have closed, Lancashire send us a list of all children who have applied (we are not told the order of preference) and the Governors rank all applications for Reception places according to the criteria listed in our Admissions Policy. Lancashire then allocate and offer places based on your preference. This up to a maximum intake of 45 children. If we have more applications than plaes available, parents can ask for their child to be put on a waiting list or they could consider appealing for a place.
Lancashire's Online Admission Link for 2025
In Year Admissions to Whalley CE School
If you are interested in obtaining a place, please contact the school to see if there is a space in the required year group. You are encouraged to make an appointment to look round the school. If you want to proceed with your application, please fill in the form below and return it to school.
Appeals to Whalley CE School
After submitting the in-year application and there is no place available, you may lodge an appeal. This is completed online:
Lancashire aim to hear the appeal case within six weeks of the submission and parents will be notified within five school days of the outcome
If there is no place available, you may lodge an appeal. The written appeal form is available below and this needs to be completed along with the in-year application form and returned to school. Lancashire aim to hear the appeal case within six weeks of the submission and parents will be notified within five school days of the outcome
Previous Admissions Documents:
Determined Admissions Policy 2026
Determined Admissions Policy 2025
Determined Admissions Policy 2024
Determined Admissions Policy 2023
Determined Admissions Policy 2022
Determined Admissions Policy 2021
Determined Admission Policy 2020
Determined Admission Policy 2019